Tuesday, September 4, 2018

It is important to know that you have 30 days to look at and understand your life insurance

It is important to know that you have 30 days to look at and understand your life insurance. This way, if you decide that this is not the right plan for you, you are able to cancel your policy and most of the time, you can even get your premium back.

Before you commit to a life insurance plan, get many quotes from different companies. Each company has many different factors on how they rate a customer, appointing individual weights to each. If you smoke, you should take special note of the variation in quoted premiums, and do what you can to find the best deal by consulting with several agents.

Compare your group life insurance against other policies. Group life policies, usually provided by your employer, may not always be the least expensive option. The rates are set based on averages -- average age, average health and other important risk factors that may not apply to you. If you have excellent health, shop around to see if you can get better rates elsewhere.

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